VE-day 75……… Hope


There has to be Hope for the Future

Sunrise, Sunset……. both symbolic of new starts to come. 75 years ago, today it was VE-Day. Whilst people paid respects to those who had suffered loss and experienced sever trauma, they also expressed Hope and Optimism for a Brighter and Better future.
Maybe today the World is trying to come to terms with a not dissimilar Global tragedy….. Yet signs of Real Hope for the Future have yet to be expressed. For now, the desire is that progress will be made to find a Vaccine, and that ‘some form’ of normal life will return. A NEW NORM is the phrase used but yet none of us know what that New Norm will look like.
Maybe we will never get back to what was normal. I am fairly sure the world, and that includes you and I, will have to adapt to new ways, new challenges.
But we should also pause and remember those traumas of 75 years ago.
Their Hope and Optimism remain the key words for today

Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

( The image above is of the Derwent Valley Reservoirs where the Dam Busters Trained for the Bombing Raids – Tranquil today but a permanent reminder of trouble times )

8th May

(C) David Oakes 2020


14 thoughts on “VE-day 75……… Hope

          1. I hear you quite clearly. It’s all about priorities, i.e., what we do with the time that we have. It all boils down to distilling everything to what’s really most important. It’s life’s biggest (but also its most important) challenge,


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