A Brief Break in the Storm Clouds…..


Tarn Hows, Cumbria

Some years ago now, but it still feels like yesterday, we had a very wet walk in the English Lake District.  The heavy clouds hung to the mountain tops so a lower level walk was the plan.  The rain just got heavier and heavier.

Then as if by magic, as we descended to Tarn Hows, the cloud broke briefly and some shafts sunlight  burst through.  The magic was the way in which that sun suddenly brought the autumn Larch to life…..   a memorable magic moment and for a short while the rain was forgotten.

Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

3rd October

(C) David Oakes 2020

9 thoughts on “A Brief Break in the Storm Clouds…..

  1. Ah, I do love a slate sky. Btw, there seems to have been a first image, but the block is blank. I can only see what appears to be the second of your two offerings.


    1. Thanks for pointing this out, I wouldn’t have known. There is no other image….but what I think happened relates to a change in WP Plan. In theory it was supposed to be seamless in transferring posts that I had ‘scheduled ahead’…. On checking these transfers three had been transferred but the images lost. I edited and reposted the image lost with the original. So why you should have two I do not know. It has appeared on my screen today. Not going to bother WP as support is so patchy…..just another quirk. It might just happen again this week, though in theory it shouldn’t 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely photograph. I hope you don’t mind my sharing this with you. Frames distract me from fully enjoying the beauty of the photograph. Frames box the viewer in and draw the eye away from the image. I was also told this by several professionals.


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