Just a thought or two…..


It has been 17 months now living with Covid 19, Lockdowns and subsequent restrictions.   I recognise it has been tough for many and easy for none of us.  It has though provided for me and many of my friends an opportunity to re-familiarise ourselves with our “Local World”.  Yep, places so close to hand became our entire world…..  and you know, I think I for one have learnt to appreciate this small part of our world even more.

Our restrictions have been greatly eased.  Caution must still be the watchword.  Like many, I do want to spread my wings once again, but reality tells me that perhaps staying close to home is the safer option….. and yes, we have much to enjoy right here, literally on our own doorstep.


Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

17th June

(C) David Oakes 2021

14 thoughts on “Just a thought or two…..

  1. I can second that!!! It is a popular saying the Norway is the most beautiful ‘vacational country in the world’?
    So why on Earth do we strive to go to Spain, Italy, Greece or other hot-spots?
    Of course, it will give a death-push to our tourism in the long run, but it only means that some people need to choose something else to do.


    1. The pandemic has shown that here in the UK our economy has in recent years, depended to a very high degree upon the ‘Hospitality’ trade. For a country that was once dependent upon a wide range of manufacturing industries, I find it both strange and sad.


  2. Beautiful place you live in, David. I must agree with you we have found more treasures at home now. And we still live in a wonderful world, don’t we. At least in our own bubble. We will not even try to travel this year. Maybe it is over? That part of life? We are considering a short trip to Denmark. That feels safe enough.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oops, lost the link! Venturing a little further but still close to home. The CV news still seems so uncertain. Nice to have both jabs, but it doesn’t solve all the issues.


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