Mists……… lingers longer


Our misty mornings, seem to have taken up permanent residence and linger all-day.  I guess it is all the wet weather we had in January and February, that has made the ground so damp, a damp that is now being coaxed out by an increasingly warmer sun.

Our trees have yet to sprout their new season leaves.  Bright sunshine, long shadows, emphasis the boldness of the winter skeletons.  Even fallen branches, casualties of the winter storms, add to the character of the woodland.

Others are also feeling spring like investigating a potential nesting site…


Spring is making its moves and the Equinox is at the coming weekend….   I guess it will only be a very few weeks before these woodlands are cast into darkness as the leaf canopy thickens.


The seasons move along at their own pace regardless of what else is happening in this world that seems to get ever stranger……. so as always….

Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

23rd March

(C) David Oakes 2022

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