Water , water everywhere…..


River Wye, Monsal Dale, Derbyshire

For the past six weeks it would seem that the rain has been constant, very heavy at times and assisted on its way by the occasional gale.  True we have had the odd day when the sun has graced us for part of the day but that has been a rare experience.

So I was rather surprised that the Derbyshire River Wye is not running at a higher capacity.  Water levels are good but not at bank bursting levels…even so Monsal Dale weir still looks and sounds dramatic.

Forecast for the week ahead….more rain

6th February

(C) David Oakes 2016

7 thoughts on “Water , water everywhere…..

  1. Yes, it looks like UK will be getting more rain?! And a lot of it! A beautiful picture, which probably would have been even more beautiful with the colors intact?


  2. This way even a grey day can look beautiful.

    Do you remember last years series by Alan Titchmarsh about the Nature of Britain and it’s historic reasons why it’s the way it is? I remember one clearly: Alan pointed out the vast number of gallons of rain falling in Britain. Explained it and also explained that all this water is the reason why Britain is so luch green. Now, I cannot watch the episodes being abroad but you British posters can. It was a wonderful series.


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