A memory and a Digital Reflection….


The Stacks of Duncansby, Caithness. Scotland…..

A favourite place of mine, one I have often photographed over the years.  But as I was sorting through some of my ‘old ‘ images, whilst looking for this particular image for another purpose, it triggered off another memory.

Over the years (too many to count) I have photographed the Stacks for travel magazines in all weathers and in formats from Large Format 5x4cm sheet film cameras, Medium Format and later 35mm….  but this was one of my first Digital Images.

I had played with small digital cameras for family snaps before Digital became an acceptable image format for publications. But all of a sudden it was a medium that the ‘Glossy’ Publishers took seriously, so time to jump into the pool.  I was reluctant to fork out my cash for the first so called Professional DSLR, they seemed just so expensive.  I also recognised that progress and development would mean that whatever one bought would soon be out of date as technology improved.  Experience also taught me how the Camera Manufacturers worked, so before too long, a slightly stripped back and lower price option would become available…. and it did.

In 2002 Nikon released the D100 DSLR. All of 6 megapixel and a new learning curve started.  A learning curve both in digital camera capabilities and advantages, but also the mysteries of Adobe Photoshop.  All seem so simple now, and progress, in hardware and software still progresses at quite a pace.

The above image was one of my first on the D100… it was even shot in JPEG, the RAW learning curve was still steep. This one image paid for the D100, being used in many publications and calendars.

Digital progress continues, Nikon, like other manufacturers, released and still release one new camera after another, each more advanced (or more features) each more expensive.  I still hold that same believe of ‘wait’ don’t rush for the latest top end camera, a more attractively priced camera will be introduced….  OK maybe with not as many extended features, but for me that’s just fine…..  after all is just a camera body – its’ the lens that matters.

Looking back, 2002 seems a lifetime ago….. then again it only seems like yesterday

If you are reflecting this weekend, as well as looking forward. enjoy….  but as always….

Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

25th February

(C) David Oakes 2023