Winter Slowly Slides Away…..


I am enjoying the last of the Snowdrops.  Snowdrops have always bridged that gap where Winter slides very slowly, and at times hesitantly into Spring.  In gardens, and in the woodlands, Snowdrops are the indicator that spring is just around the corner, it maybe slow coming… but it will arrive.  Though I guess winter weather will still have the occasional harsh sting in its tail.


As individual flowers they show a resilience to resist the frosts, snows and rains, yet they show such grace with their sweeping, drooping white bell like flower on such a tender stem.  They hardly look tough enough, to fragile to survive, yet they do.

It is the mass woodland displays that so dramatically make the statement that Spring is on the way.  Those white carpets, giving light to woodland areas, areas that will soon be cast into darkness as the tree canopy comes into leaf.


Those woodland settings are for me the place to enjoy the splendour of such simple flowers.

They are soon to leave us again, reminding us that Spring really is on the way.

Till then, be resilient and……

Please Remember to ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

5th March

(C) David Oakes 2021

7 thoughts on “Winter Slowly Slides Away…..

    1. I think after what for us here in the midlands has been a dark, damp (understatement) long winter, the Snowdrops have been like a light switch, even on a dull day they have brightened our year 🙂

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