A Small First…… well its a start


Our first flowering Crocus of the year…. delicate pristine white petals with the startling saffron/orange stigmas.  These are in one of our patio planters, so maybe that is why they are the first to flower.  The Crocus in the damp soils of the garden are shooting but some way off bursting into flower.

Elsewhere small isolated clumps of Snowdrops are starting to come into their own…


So despite the doom laden weather forecast for the coming weekend, we take hope that Spring is really on the way.

6th February

(C) David Oakes 2020

8 thoughts on “A Small First…… well its a start

  1. It might be just around the corner? In spite of our calendar the predictions for the day here where I live is a ‘9 degrees plus’!!! There is still a bit left of the 3 inches of snow that came down 48 hours ago, but it will surely disappear withing the next 8 hours!


    1. This morning we woke to our first real frost of the winter…-3c. So I guess we cannot complain. That is apart from Storm Ciara arriving this weekend with gales and heavy rains (again) 🙂


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