Wordless Wednesday…. Another Favourite Place

^ Sail windmill

Location:- Heage Windmill, Heage, Derbyshire

(Built 1790 in a commanding position..  Fell in to disrepair, but in 1919 volunteer restoration work started .  The 6 Sail Mill is unusual and is also a Grade II Listed building)

As always, wherever you are….

Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

26th June

(C) David Oakes 2024

One thought on “Wordless Wednesday…. Another Favourite Place

  1. Dear David this is unbelievable, I mean to have mills… I really love them and your photograph is so beautiful. We don’t see them anymore in my country because we don’t know to appreciate all these old things… Thank you for sharing, Love, nia

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