Cees Black & White Challenge… Looking through or into a Window.


William Wordsworth gazing out of his Museum in Grasmere…

One suggestion for Cees B&W Windows Challenge….  Looking out both in and out.

Tourist trap windows always a draw…



and here is an Shop window of contrast….. Luxury and Junk side by side


But maybe its time for a Seasonal Reminder…. Santa is on the way, by train not sledge


If you have some windows to share then join in Cees Challenge.  The link is here :- https://ceenphotography.com/2021/10/07/cbwc-looking-through-or-into-a-window/


Have fun this weekend…. but as always……

Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

8th October

(C) David Oakes 2021

9 thoughts on “Cees Black & White Challenge… Looking through or into a Window.

  1. Santa used to fly into my little prairie town as a passenger in Earl Wedean’s crop-dusting plane. He was met at the dirt runway by the fire truck and was brought down Main Street in spendor, standing in the back of the fire truck and dispensing candy to kids. So exciting.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It was. The candy tasted terrible but it was sooo important to get it. Then we just put it in a candy dish on the coffee table as part of the Xmas decorations..It lasted because no one wanted to actually eat it… ha. Are you old enough to remember that old Xmas candy bulk mix? Ribbon candy, peanuts in shells (that stuck to everything else) and those strange clove candies that looked like tiny pillows. I can’t imagine why anyone would think children would like the taste of cloves. And all the candy tasted either like that or like perfume. But, what fun fighting your way to the front to get some!!!

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