Medieval… but well organised

Medevial-Dove-Cote,-NAUNTON,-Cotswolds-Edit copy

A Medieval Dovecote, Naunton, The Cotswolds.

With our Supermarkets, Shopping Malls and Specialist Food Supplies , not to mention On-Line ordering and Direct to your Door delivery, we think we  have made great strides forward.

It is only when you see a well preserved building from medieval times that one wonders if we have.  The Dovecote above was the larder for the manor.  Breeding Doves (and Pidgeon) for the dinner table…. a ready supply of fresh meat.  But one can also pay credit to the building.  It serves a very utility purpose but in its construction, not only is it built to last but also to be pleasing top the eye.  Not sure many of todays constructions will stay the test of time…. and as for appearance, in my opinion not as pleasing to the eye.

Just a thought for Friday.  With the weekend ahead I hope the week has been kind to you…. and as always….

Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

24th May

(C) David Oakes 2024

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