Sunday….. A Spiritual Place

Kilmartin Glen, Argyll, Scotland
Spiritual locations are not just the prerogative of Churches, Mosques and modern Religions. Here in Kilmartin Glen a spiritual feel remains… it was a spiritual feel, or link, to the Stars and spirits beyond of great importance to our forbearers.
Thought to date to before 3000BC., this Scottish Glen held great importance for Neolithic and Bronze Age peoples. Here there can be found what is suggested as the largest collection of Standing Stones, Stone Circles and Burial Cairns not just in Scotland but over Britain. Look for ‘Cup and Ring Markings’, that embellish many of the stones.
It is a large area to explore and discover all the different sites within the Glen, to help visitors there are Maps adjacent to the Glen to help. Maybe a visit to the nearby Kilmartin Museum would add extra interest.

Each group has a name such as Nether Largie, Glebe Cairn but as you track your own route around the Glen, its open sky and wide surrounds, I am sure you cannot fail but feel that a spirit did, and still does, exists in this very special Scottish Glen.

On each and every visit I not only discover something I missed on previous trips… but it also feels as if I am walking with an unknown Spirit… a nice uplifting feeling.
I also wish that I could be there on a clear summer night
, all the stars twinkling, maybe then I would experience that feeling our ancestors revered so many millennia ago. That surely cannot have changed.
Have a peaceful Sunday… and as always…
Please Remember ….
Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other
16th June
(C) David Oakes 2024

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