The Battle for No. 10


No not this No.10…but the keys to No.10 Downing Street.

Yesterday our Prime Minister declared that we would have a General Election on the 4th July,  Joy of joy…. we  can now enjoy 6 weeks of back biting, name calling, insults, false representation of facts, promises to bribe us that history tells us they will never be kept….. all with the aim of convincing us that they above everyone else can be trusted.  The best we can say it is only 6 weeks!

As for the door above, it could be said to show a political bias. I am pretty sure the owners gave not a thought to political allegiance.  As most folk will recall, No.10 Downing Street is a politically neutral Black Door.

This No10 does have one big benefit…. it has two front doors, both with No10 above.  A great help if it is a case of one Prime Minister In and the other Out.


6 weeks of wall to wall News coverage…. I cannot  wait %-)

Despite all …. as always….

Please Remember ….

Stay Safe …. Be Kind…. Look After Each Other

23rd May

(C) David Oakes 2024



6 thoughts on “The Battle for No. 10

  1. It is really very bad and painful that politics has become like this in almost every country. I don’t know, but the 21st century I had dreamed and hoped for was not like this. How did everything get so bad… I hope you get a good result that will make everyone happy. I love red and your photos and your humorous perspective. Thank you dear David, Love, nia


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